EN// The Enjmin Bundle is an initiative from the students of the Cnam-Enjmin.
This page is meant to be a display of the projects done by the several courses offered by the school, ranging from the earlier cohortes to nowadays. It is an opportunity to store them somewhere and share them with others.
FR// L'Enjmin Bundle est une initiative tenue par les étudiantes et les étudiants de l'école du Cnam-Enjmin.
Il s'agit d'une page où il est possible de retrouver à loisir les projets des différentes formations de l'école au fil des promotions, de les mettre à disposition pour en garder une trace et permettre de les partager.
A collection of the games that were made by the P16 students at ENJMIN during the last two and a half months of their first year (2020).
A collection of the games that were made by the P15 students at ENJMIN during the last four months of their second year. The final oral prensentations are available below : First Part Second Part Undiscovered Wound Cobble & Trouble Synchron...
A collection of the games that were made by the P15 students at ENJMIN during the last two and a half months of their first year. The final oral prensentations are available below : | <------------- First part -------------> | <------------...
Non exhaustive list of the Enjmin's Mini Projects of 2015 !